Thursday, September 30, 2010

Top 10 in-flight meals - World's Best Airline Food

Easily the worst thing about flying is the food. Do not we all agree on this? I mean, now pushed and pushed, frisked and breathing excessive amounts of oxygen were chemically forced for hours, but to make matters worse, you're always served that smells and looks like baby vomit poop for lunch. Ick.

In the grand scheme of things, most airlines now do not even yet figured out how to give their guests the thought of a decent meal. It seems thatshould not be so difficult, but, rather, is not it? It was only heated food. Beautiful, there are a few airlines out there that have got it right with tasty and healthy dishes that taste great. Oh, and it seems like! Because we know everybody, not just the gross-tin container and take the bread from a plastic bag open, it is more or less have the appetite or lost everything?

Thus, the interests of protecting the stomach, here are the top 10 bestairlines in-flight meals rated as very good.

Cathay Pacific - Hong Kong, the company is often significantly classified for nearly almost everything, and its judges are no different. Each aircraft Cathay Pacific has a toaster and cook the rice, so that all points of freshly prepared again, and continues to be a rolling stock of fresh fruit and snacks to keep on each flight, to keep the stomach contents . They also serve a selection of excellent vintage wines and champagne. Mmm.

Singapore Airlines - The airline travel companion praised for its customer support and well-dressed flight, but the food is brilliant. You have used a panel of international chefs (such as the British star Gordon Ramsay), and wine consultant, to create their menu, and also deals in economy class, there are the meals like shrimp sautéed with steamed asparagus and spaghetti Singapore.

Turkish Airlines - bet he did not know Turkey has its ownCheap>, but they do and the food is excellent. Of options as its fresh Mediterranean salad for meals on flights in Hindu India for the new, fresh cheese and wine option - it will not be hungry at the Turkish Airlines flight.

Emirates - your stomach will thank you for flying with this broccoli airline based in Dubai, according to fresh starters such as smoked tuna and lamb marinated in spices and served Arabic. For a snack that will give you the cheese andCrackers and dessert for a special Sticky Date Pudding. And all this is in the class of the economic system. In addition, the wine list on board the Emirates flight a surprising mix of French, Australian and New Zealand vintages.

Malaysia Airlines - The airline employs specially-trained chef, generate decisions on all their menus, and they have won many awards culinary journey, such as a signature dish Skytrax award for their satay and the favorite of the airline Smart Food AwardAsia. Among their offerings? Shank of lamb with black pepper, baked Atlantic cod and Australian cheeses.

Air France - E 'unexpected that the national carrier would be good for French food? Even now, Air France has succeeded in a little of French culinary tradition of excellence in their meals on board record, the multiplicity of steaks for the French standard meals, all served with a basket of fresh bread again. If you are a Premium Economy passengers, were also takenMaintenance of a 24-hour buffet with delicacies that the mini-t sandwiches and ice cream Haagen-Dazs ® exists. Yay!

Thai Airways - If there is any airline that flies the first type, Thai Airways, which has an option of 22 different dishes that his departure may be selected by means of a program web-first order. Um, wow. Economic system, passengers do not get the wave, though perhaps with selections such as shrimp in thai sauceor beef rendang with white rice with asparagus and peas. Sounds good to me.

Japan Airlines - What do you think of sushi on your flight? Japan Airlines Executive menu (see above) on the Internet or dishes like tuna sashimi of squid, braised bamboo shoots, soba noodles, even if their economic situation is not, of course, tomato, garlic chicken noodles or soba and squalid possible . And all free snacks, mineral water and free flowing on long-haul flights.

British Airways - ThisIn particular, it was a surprise for me, but so to speak, BA should be kept in relatively good shape for their meals. A condition of financial standards, of course, the food extended to a long-haul air travel is a clean Greek salad with feta cheese and chicken cooked with carrots, potatoes and vegetables. But the real star of the "Club" class meals, new elements and the silver service function properly filled as a springboard for a full-service snack bar with mini-sandwiches, wraps, salads and evenhot meals on request.

Virgin Atlantic / America - Virgin America has been consistently voted one of the U.S. airline meals at the ideal, and its global partner, Virgin Atlantic, has a comparable volume of high quality with their airline meals . How about a bagel with cream cheese and raspberry, a tapas or a turkey caprese sandwich? A champagne cocktail or a Hornitos Margarita? Not only that, but you can order all your meals from a touch screen instead. Um,yes please!

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