Sunday, October 10, 2010

Koh Phangan - Advice for travelers

Home to some large dance parties every month, Koh Phangan, both represented a hedonistic heaven or hell a holiday, you some good advice for anyone visiting the island.

When you participate in any of the parts of the island, you should always be a few things in mind. Remember that this is not your home country, the law protects the Thai people here as "farang (Westerners) do have reduced fees. Take for example a car accident, for exampleWe rented a jeep driving uphill, is placed on a truck of sand, and has not slowed down and collided with the jeep. Apparently the trucker's fault right? It 's been too fast on a steep hill, it's not your fault at all right? Wrong, in Thailand, the law is simple, if a person Farang Thai is involved in an accident involving a car then no matter who did what to cause the accident, it's yours. Why is that? The logic is simple, you are a farang, you shouldnot be here, and if you were not here, the incident would not happen so it is your fault. I'm not joking.

Always remember that the island of Koh Phangan is dependent on tourism as the main source of income. No problem to use where the problem begins with the less than honest people, just waiting, you should take them with the occasion. Every month dozens of new stories, some silly farang, the game was too drunk at the HaadRin beach to sleep, and had lost everything in their bags to one of professional pickpockets, the parties likely to cruise in search of prey. You would be amazed the number of partygoers decide it is safe, passport, credit cards and airline tickets have delighted in the bag as they left in a safe be. The lovely Thai girl (who probably was not actually a girl) who just arrived and gave you a kiss at a party, you have your hand anywhere near his pocket? E 'happens, in fact, it happens every month, for many people, keep your wits about you.

Drinking and driving is not easy. Do you think you can drive if you have a skin full? Ok well go on the scooter without a helmet or protective clothing. Even a low-speed crash while wearing shorts and sandals is terribly painful. Believe me, someone who knows only a few weeks I've started my Honda CBR at the beach by 2 clock after drinking was much moreSafe. I did not go for two weeks and I'm happy that people die here every year because of drinking, many are wounded each month and have cut short their holidays.

Do not upset the locals. I do not mean the lady who cooks the food or the guy who pumps gasoline. I mean the kind of people who consider themselves "Mafia" and stay successful ripping tourists. These are not nice people and this is not a movie, there are many suspicious deathsthe island each year. Even if these people are smart enough to recognize that they are not able to go too far, because they depend on tourists as much as anyone else, if you give them a reason, then it will give you problems. On the surface of Koh Phangan on an island paradise of peace seems to be, is actually a small piece of precious land, which is more in common with the Wild West as a civilized city. Almost everything is here for some families of codes, including police checks, with caution,Illusion of Safety is an illusion.

If you keep control of himself, do not take foolish risks, and remember that you will not be in your country will not have problems in Koh Phangan. If the envelope a bit 'too much damage could a world for her. I will not make Koh Phangan seems to be uncertain, almost all the stories I hear involve someone doing something stupid, the problem is, they do something stupid in a place, notSafety net. Note that and take care when visiting the island.

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